What makes YOU beautiful? 

What is it that makes you fall in love with yourself? Ok, I know that sounds so weird now that it’s actually typed out lol! But seriously, how do you view your beauty? Do you think you just have an inward beauty & don’t feel very pretty outwardly? Has television painted a picture of what beauty is supposed to look like, and now you find yourself following those steps to become a person you’re really not? It’s ok to raise your hand… {psst… I can’t see you} because I totally get it. Sometimes it’s hard not to compare our beauty to others’ ya know? But, here’s what you can do to break that habit of comparison:

  1. Write 5 -10 things you absolutely love about yourself.
  2. Smile more because it not only makes you feel amazing, but guess what, you get more compliments {wink*}!
  3. Look in the mirror at that gorgeous face of yours every single day &  REMIND yourself that you ARE beautifully & wonderfully made! And really mean it too! Just pretend I’m a drill Sargent standing behind you saying, “hey, I can’t hear you!” Lol!
  4. Do things that make you feel beautiful.

So, let me make this a bit more personal. These are the things I do to help me feel beautiful inside & out:

  1. I speak positively every morning.
  2. I take care of my body by being aware of what I eat.
  3. I treat myself to a professional massage {stress plays a huge role in your beauty status} & I get my eyebrows waxed.
  4. I workout daily with one day of rest {yes this can be done with four kiddos}.
  5. I love myself more.

Friends, I want to encourage you to view yourself differently starting today. If no one has told you this, then let me go ahead and let you know now, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! ?

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