I love my Son Challenge

Hello friends! 

How many of you have a son? Ok, scratch that, how many of you have children ? Or a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend? Either way, I’m sure you will be able to relate to this post on some way or another. 

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday, I create a motivational live video on Facebook. September 15, 2016, I made a commitment to work on building a stronger relationship with my son Jeremiah. If you’ve read other blog posts, you know that he is my oldest & he is the only boy. With that being said, it is my job to work harder at our relationship. 

I dug down deep in my heart and realized I just don’t treat him the way I should. Shame on me right? It doesn’t matter what he did, as his mother I must not only say I love him, but back it up with actions! 

I admit, I raise my voice way too much. I snap too easily & I think it’s because he knows how to hit those nerves. But, I cannot allow myself to get too upset because after all, he’s just a child. I shouldn’t be talking to him like he’s a teenager. It hurts his feelings and I know it does. 

Tell me something, after you’ve been upset and you’ve been raising your voice at a loved one, when the day is over, do you feel like rolling into a ball and just boo- whoing all night? Oh… I see… it’s just this mama? Oh.. ok. Come on, let’s be real here. It sux! So, if I’m feeling that way at the end of the night, how the heck do you think Jeremiah is feeling? Exactly! Something’s gotta give…

My son’s 9th birthday is October 14th and I vowed to work on our relationship every day up until his birthday. But, actually, I’m not stopping there. I vowed to love harder, laugh more, talk to him instead of yelling, help him with his schoolwork, etc. So every day since then, I have been talking #ilovemyson selfies and posting them on Facebook. And, one of my friends is also joining in the challenge with her son too! 

I love my kid. The last thing I want is for him to remember his mama as the lady who yelled all the time and never took the time to seriously hear him out and love him hard. I recognize what needs to be fixed & im willing to make the necessary changes to strengthen our relationship before it’s too late. 

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~ 

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