Birthday Card…Smirthday Card.

First of all folks, this isn’t Shona. This is her husband, A Man Called Jason.

Secondly, I had to hijack her website, because I wanted to do something out of the box. Birthday cards are cool and all, but I feel like this had more staying power. Plus, I’ve had the privilege of knowing her for 15 of her birthdays. Not too many things Hallmark can say on my behalf at this point, because it’s more than just two sentences or two paragraphs.

1688384_858567367742_808301329_nThis woman is my rock. My queen. My…LawdHammercy. She has upgraded my life in more ways than I can count. I’m talking from wardrobe to integrity. Part of my strength comes from seeing her, on many occasions, execute the strength of a superhuman. How many people do you know who has 4 kids and not only does her body bounce back like elastic, but she doesn’t age either? Not all heroes wear capes, but this one wears my ring, so…yeah. So many times she could’ve bailed on me, but she encouraged me instead. She’s my ride-or-die. She believed in me when I didn’t even believe in me at times.

I remember when I was unemployed during my second 11-month stint, and just feeling depressed. In my head, I looked at her and said, “I understand if you wanna leave. I’m sure you and the kids could do better.” While I was saying that in my head, she looked at me, as if she could hear what I said in my head, and she randomly said “We’re gonna get through this. I’m at peace.” Right then I knew that I had to put on my Superman cape and move mountains. I knew I had to move the moon so I could give her the stars. I knew I had to bust my tail so she could have the world. We’ve come a long way, but I’m not content. It’s not enough. It’s never enough in my eyes. She deserves it all, and I’m gonna grind until she gets the sky and everything under it.

Well, today is her day and I plan on spoiling her. So let me conclude this blog and get back to loving on her.

2 replies
    • Shona
      Shona says:

      I know I’m super late responding to this lol! But it’s ok because you’re my sister lol!! But thanks for checking out the blog! This was pretty sweet of Jay.


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