Five is the magic number… or is it?

Monday’s Mommy Moment

Good evening friends! Happy New Year!! I have a confession to make… are you ready? Ok, here goes… I have SERIOUS baby fever!! I know, I know, go right ahead and put your hand over your mouth, spread your eyes and give a look of total disbelief lol! It’s so true. I’ve been feeling this way for roughly 3 months now. It’s just something I can’t seem to shake, but really, do I want to “shake” this feeling? 

My husband probably thinks I’m insane for even thinking about another Tyree kid since we have four. I’ve just always wanted a big family that’s all. I’ve always wanted 5! 
Ok, walk with me for a second…we currently have Jeremiah, A’Niyah, Rèinah, Lovèah & just imagine we could possibly have Josiah Zion or a baby girl! I really only have a boy name because I want to try for another boy. I didn’t really think of a girl name lol! But if we were to have a 5th child, we could discuss a girl name with no problem. 
I honestly don’t know if my husband would come around to trying for another child. Being a guy, he can’t help but think think about how he would provide for his family. I know when my coaching business picks up more, maybe he would come around because we won’t be living off of one income anymore. But the thing is, I don’t know when it will pick up lol! But you better believe I’m motivated to earn some extra income! 
I just feel my heart will be completely full with another little one around. Jeremiah always says, ” I want a little brother.” And my girls have started saying it too, like randomly! So, hey, ya never know… 
One thing I want to do if I become pregnant is workout the entire term. I’ve never worked out during any of my pregnancies, and I think things will go smoother if I do so. And I know I will feel like super woman during and after the pregnancy too! I’ll be able to bounce right back to the swing of things! 
Well, I guess we’ll see if 5 is indeed the magic number… stay tuned. ?? 

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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