Made to Motivate

Hello everyone! I missed some days of posting due to not feeling too well mentally, so I didn’t want to write when I was feeling so down because everything would have most likely been negative. But, I’m back and I had quite a bit happen within these past three days.
Today, I would like to talk to you about my next fitness accountability group on Facebook! This one has a bit of a twist to it & I’ve never actually done this kind of group before, but the idea just popped in my head yesterday, so I figured, hey, why not? So, here goes…
The group will be starting MARCH 4th- April 2nd. I’m looking for at least 5 women who are serious about their health & who are COMMITTED to putting in the work to live healthier.


??The PURPOSE of this group is to help women see what has been hidden inside them all along. Health & fitness is included, but that’s not the only thing I want to cover in this group.
?? I want to work with women who are either on or wanting to start a fitness journey & have a special gift or talent that will help inspire someone else.
? Are you a poet, musician, photographer, dancer or an artist? Have you been waiting for an opportunity to arise to share that special gift/talent? Why not share it in my group? I love sharing my art with others because I know art has the power to change moods.





We will be working out, drinking our superfoods (Shakeology), which replaces ONE meal per day, PLUS using our God given talents to inspire others! It’s a win- win! I will provide you with some tips that I currently use in my household. I will also provide meal prep tips, a meal planner, and you could even have a chance to WIN one of my abstract paintings!


I want to work one- on-one with ladies who are excited about not only their health, but are excited about their gifts/talents! There’s nothing like waking up with purpose and a drive to dig into something that delivers peace of mind. Like I said, I’m an abstract artist and I have so many dreams for my art pieces! I want to be able to place my pieces in an art gallery, so I’m doing the research. I’m putting in the work!

And just like my art dream, I have a dream for my fitness as well! I want to become lean & toned. In the Spring, my husband and I are planning on taking professional wedding photos. We will be hitting 11 years of marriage May 13th! My goal is to take breathtaking pictures in my wedding gown! Imagine that! Lol! It’s going to be pretty sweet!


What major goal do you have? Let me know and let’s get connected via social media and work together at achieving it! I look forward to hearing loads of exciting stories relating to your health & fitness accomplishments & your gifts & talents! It’s going to be pretty EPIC!!
Below is a link that will lead you to a form for this group. This is my way of staying connected with you and getting to know more about your needs. Please complete the form and I will contact you asap to get you started! Let’s do this ladies!!


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~


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