A Night In The Town

Hey, hey and welcome to another moment with Shona! Since Rèinah had surgery on Friday, I wasn’t able to write on my blog due to everything I had to do. Friday, I was supposed to go to a mother & son shamrock bash at my don’s school. We had to pay to join in the fun, but I completely forgot to get the tickets online! It was past the deadline, so I figured I would just take him out on the town myself.
I wanted to take him out Friday, but it was storming and it was too late. So I decided to take him out after my early morning dental appointment. We had the whole evening planned out! First we were going to see the Batman Lego movie then go do something fun!
Once we got to the movies, the line was all the way to the back of the building!! We thought.. uh oh.. this can’t be good…while we were in line, I tried to get our tickets from the movie app and was sad to find out our 7:05 showing was sold out! Noooo!!! What now? I told Jeremiah the next showing was at 9:50 that night. We would get home rather late. He didn’t mind.

We went back to the car and switched up our plans. He wanted to go to Monkey Joe’s, which is like a bouncy house. He jumped for roughly an hour. Then we went to Cici’s Pizza because we were super hungry! I figured it would be a perfect time to bond with him.

Well, as we were eating, I felt kind of awkward in a way. See, Jeremiah & I bump heads quite a bit. So it was challenging to even start a conversation. My overall goal is to have a tight relationship with my son. I never want to hurt his feelings in any way, but sometimes that happens. As I sat there, thinking of what I could ask him to get to know his thoughts, I found myself struggling. I just wish I could get in his head and find out what bothers him, what makes him laugh uncontrollably & what I could do to build a stronger bond? All of these questions ran through my head as I watched him eat his pizza & talk about the rain and basketball.

I know as I continue to work on myself as his mother & speak kindly and love on him more, our relationship will develop into something wonderful. I want him to know without a shadow of a doubt that I love him. I want to nurture him more because that is something I struggle with.. like showing more affection. I’ll get there one day at a time.

After dinner, we caught our 9:50 movie. We were totally shocked when we walked into the theatre to find ZERO people! Like wha…? Were we really the only ones watching the Batman lego movie? Lol! I think it bothered Jeremiah that we were the only ones in there. But of course, he said nothing about it. As the movie started, only four people joined us… FOUR! Lol! We got out very late… and got home at 12:30 am. The movie was funny and I’m glad I got to take Jeremiah out. We will be having more mother & son dates soon!

If you have kids, I would encourage you to spend that one -on -one time with them. You don’t have to spend a lot of money either. Just take them somewhere you know they love & bond with them because they won’t be this age forever.

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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