ACV Magic 

Good morning and welcome to another moment with Shona!
Today, is Tasty Tuesday! You will be getting two treats in one post! Both recipes are an ACV {Apple Cider Vinegar} recipe that I’ve been using. If you read my post from yesterday, you would remember I spoke about my family being sick. For 3 days, I’ve been experiencing annoying thirst pain & it just felt like I was picking up some of my kids’ germs. If you’re a mom, you already know we cannot get sick! Lol! So, I had to do something about that pain asap.

I decided to get my Apple Cider Vinegar because it works wonders for pretty much everything! It’s what I like to call my “ACV Magic.”

Here is the recipe for sore throat:

1 Tbsp Raw Honey

1 Tbsp ACV

Microwave for 8 seconds

Stir and drink quickly!
I promise you if you do this 2-3 times a day and you will feel better within 2-3 days!



Recipe Two for fat loss: 


1 c. Water

2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon

1 tsp Cinnamon

2 Tbsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar {with the Mother}

1 Tbsp Raw Honey


Mix all ingredients together an hour before going to bed and drink it. You will quickly lose unwanted fat with this drink and your body will benefit immensely!
A lot of people don’t really care for Apple Cider Vinegar, but I actually don’t mind the taste when it’s mixed with something. I absolutely hate taking medicine because it always brings on more pain and new issues in the body! With home remedies, I can’t go wrong! So, cheers friends!


Here is a little bonus recipe for ya!

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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