Setting Order : New Posts Days & Times

Good morning & welcome to another moment with Shona!

Today, I want to set some much needed order. I have been blogging since September 09, 2016 and my posts have been all over the place! As a new blogger, I know that in order to expand my audience, it is imperative that I have some type of schedule for my posts! So, today is the day I share my new and improved schedule!


Starting this week, you will receive new blog posts on the following days and time:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday @10:00 am EST. 

Whew! Just that small step made me feel so much better about myself lol! I have so many things to share with you and I really want to touch base on everything, plus have some type of time to stop and reflect on blog ideas.

I find that when I write every day, I get writer’s block and that is the worst! But when I take some days off, I find I have a fresh outlook on blogging. It’s quite wonderful! I use Saturday to brainstorm ideas then I blog on Sunday & schedule all my posts for the week. See, was as pie right? {Que smile…}


There you have it folks. I’m glad I could share my new schedule with you today.  Have a great Thursday!


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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