Fit Friday I Spring Cize

Good night and welcome to another moment with Shona! Please, don’t think too much about the time I’m posting today, it’s been one of those crazy weeks! But, I’m sticking to my post days. So tonight, I want to share my next Beachbody program with you! Let’s just say I’m pretty excited!
Let me start off by asking, where are all my dancers at? Like those who live and breathe dance or maybe those who just love a good ole dance every now and then! Or, maybe you’re someone who has always had a heart for dance, but never got around to taking classes. Ha, well guess what?! This program I’m going to describe is one of the best dance programs I’ve ever done! Like, E-V-E-R! On top of that, as if it couldn’t get any better… it’s a freaking workout!! Say whaaa?!! Yes hunny.. you will be dripping sweat when it’s all said and done! It’s perfect! Lol!


The program is called Cize,  the end of exercise! The incredible & energetic instructor is the famous Shaun T! Yes, he is also the instructor of the program I’m finishing up Insanity Max:30 (I missed some days so I’m catching up). Cize is only 4 weeks long with 30-50 minute dance/ cardio routines. And guess what? There is ZERO equipment needed! Like Shaun T says, “your body is your equipment!’ 


You have the option of using a beginners calendar or an advanced calendar. The difference between the two is, the beginner’s calendar goes over the same routine for a week. Then it takes you to the next routine in week two. This continues throughout the entire program. If you choose the advanced calendar, you will be mixing the routines throughout the weeks. I will be using the advanced calendar this time around because this is actually my second round of Cize!

This is the first program I did after having my 4th baby Lovèah Rose. And it’s also the very first Beachbody program I completed! I plan on doing this program differently this time around because I want to get the best results possible. I plan on reading through my meal guide thoroughly & planning ahead. Everything is laid out right on my computer on Beachbody on Demand, so I don’t have to spend too much time thinking about my next move. I plan on starting this program April 3rd!


I want to invite you to join me for this Spring Cize! It’s going to tie along with my Spring into fitness group April 10th. I would wait to start on that date, but this program is 4 weeks so I want to be finish with it this month. If you think you would enjoy this program, come along and join me! You know I love me some Shaun T! He is my favorite Beachbody instructor! Comment below “count me in and I will get your email and send details!


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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