The Love Dare

Hey friends! I have to do a lot of catching up here because I went out of town and wasn’t able to write on my blog!
But, let’s take it a step at a time lol! Last Friday, on my motivational video, I spoke about a challenge I want to do with my kids. This challenge is called a love dare.

This love dare is going to last a week. I will basically start off by asking my children (individually) various questions relating to themselves & our relationship. Here are some of the questions I will ask them today:

1. What makes you smile?

2. What is your favorite thing to do in the whole wide world?

3. What color makes you feel excited?

4. Is there something I do that makes you sad?

5. What is one thing I do that makes you feel good about yourself?

6. Do you feel like I love you?

7. Do you think I love you like Jesus loves you?

8. If you could be anything you want to be, what would you be?

9. Do you feel smart?

10. When you make a mistake, how does it make you feel?

I’m going somewhere with these questions. The point of these is to just get in the mind of my children. I want to feel what they feel and make the proper adjustments where needed. I want to be sure I’m being the best mama bee I can be. I can’t do that until I know exactly how I make them feel.

There are times when I may raise my voice at them and it hurts their feelings. Or there are times when I may not pay attention to them as much because I’m busy doing my own thing. There comes a time when we just have to stop & have one-on-one conversations with our kids. Don’t get too busy or too frustrated with them to just sit and hear their heart.

I want to find out what their purpose in life is, so this is the first step in making to find out this riddle. Feel free to join me and let me know how your child or children responded!


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~


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