Just call me, Dr. Mom

Good evening friends! I had some major technical issues with my blog today. It kept kicking me offline every time! And it wouldn’t let me load my pictures either. I don’t understand, but I really pray I can get my posts done for the week without issues! But, I’m happy to talk to you tonight, so, welcome to another moment with Shona!

So, it’s Monday & you know what that means don’t you? Ok, maybe you’re new to my blog and have no clue what I’m talking about lol! So I will help you out here. I like to use Monday’s for my “mommy moment” posts. Meaning, I share all the fun, scary, exciting and sometimes crazy stories relating to my four kiddos. So mamas, let’s chat!

Earlier in the month, Rèinah, my 6 year old was outside having fun with her friends. Everything was going great until kids started rushing to my door saying Rèinah fell and hurt herself really bad and she can’t get up to walk! Ok, you can imagine what I was thinking! I mean, I wasn’t far away at all, so I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how she hurt herself that much to the point where she couldn’t move!

Now, let me do this little plug-in. Rèinah is one dramatic child lol! I mean it’s really bad! Like she does the absolute MOST, so I was a bit hesitant to go outside. But you know, a mother’s gotta do what a mother’s gotta do.

I got to her and she was sitting in the cup-da-sac crying. Her friends said she was dancing and just fell. I admit, I did chuckle because I thought it was a joke! But come to find out, that was exactly what happened! Yea, I felt bad for laughing. I just had a puzzled look on my face like whaa?? I looked at her arm and she was pretty banged up! Blood just dripping from her elbow, her knee was swollen and cut up as well. I had to calm her down and bandage her all up. I even called my mother for some extra tips because the cut was that bad! Thankfully, she was a-ok and she just needed me to hug her and let her know things will be alright. She was back outside the next day.

Whew! I made sure to ask my husband for a huge variety pack of bandaids because our kids have too many falls! And, just when I thought things were getting better, the very next day, our one year old Lovèah Rose decided to skip out on putting her listening ears on. She kept hanging off of the couch and I told her, Vèah, sit down before you fall off the couch… then I said it again… and again… then I turned my head to finish up my workout and all I heard was a BOOM!


Welp, I thought, here I am another day with another child and another cut. Lovèah fell off the couch and onto a hard toy which made her gums bleed! She was a mess! I thought she would never stop crying. I just stopped the bleeding with a cotton ball and kissed her and said it’s going to be ok Vèah. Within 5-10 minutes at Dr. Mom’s office, she was good to go and ready to get back to her learning!

As moms, we are ALWAYS on call. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, or even if we’re in the same town as our kids, we get called upon to do what seems like the impossible lol! Mamas, it’s all good! God created us for times like these and there is nothing we can’t handle with His help & strength! So if you need a little mommy break, make sure you get that in early in the day so you can be as alert as possible when it’s time to put on your Doctor shoes.



Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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