Just Dance | Week 1

Hey, hey friends!! Welcome to another moment with Shona! Show of hands, who is so thankful it’s F-R-I-D-A-Y?!! Like seriously, both hands are up and waving! Lol! It’s just been one of those weeks ya know? But it’s all good! I’m ready to dive into today’s chat!

In honor of flex Friday, I want to give you an update on my fitness journey. Remember I started round two of Cize: the end of exercise with my favorite instructor Shawn T. right? Well guess what? Week 1 is done!! That was fast right? Lol! I have been loving every minute of it too! I forgot how fun it was to just DANCE the weight off!

I want to break it down for you. Monday through Wednesday I did the Crazy 8’s routine. The music was pretty fast, but I caught on pretty fast. I had to kind of refresh my memory a bit too because remember, the last time I did this program was at the end of 2015! So I was a little rusty, but not that bad lol!

Monday I had to do my before pictures & measurements. I will share those when I actually finish the program! Tuesday I did Crazy 8’s again but added the 8 count abs in. Oh my gosh guys… when I tell you that ab workout was intense, man…. it was a killer!! My abs were burning at every single angle lol! I don’t recall myself doing this 9 minute routine in 2015. I was all into it because we worked out with upbeat hip hop music playing. Now if you know anything about me, I love hip hop! Not just anything though, it has to have meaningful lyrics, not that garbage kids listen to now! The old school joints is what I love.. give me that 90’s hip hop and I’m good to go!

Thursday through Saturday were the “You Got This” dance routines! Oh my gosh this is my all time favorite routine!! I danced to one of Bruno Mars’s songs and it was fire! I was cheesing the entire dance lol! As soon as I was done recording myself dancing, I went and posted the video in my support community groups and I got so much love from ladies in the group! It made me feel so warm inside because I actually made someone’s day! And if you don’t know by now, my purpose in life is to inspire & that is exactly what I did!

I will have to do my last routine late Saturday afternoon after I come back from the Beachbody Super Saturday in D.C.! It’s a live event where I will meet tons of other Beachbody coaches, special guests, meet new people, get trainings, and do a live workout!!! No worries, I will give details this next week!




So let’s just say this week has been great! The only part that wasn’t so great was the eating. But, I’m going to read over the Cize meal guide and refocus for week 2! Oh and here is my before picture:




Can you imagine yourself in a before picture? Can you imagine yourself starting your life all over again with a healthy start? The possibilities are endless friends! Beachbody just released an incredible deal that has me blown away! It’s unheard of! I’ll help you pick a fitness program that fits your needs. You can join me in my 30 day support group and commit to changing your overall health! You can get the following:

* $6,000 worth of every Beachbody program ever created PLUS the ones that will be released!

* A 30 day meal replacement nutritional shake called Shakeology, which saves you 30 meals per month!

* An ongoing support community on social media!

* A healthy FIXATE cooking show right at your fingertips!

* And color coded portion control containers!


All of this WAS $199, but now, the price has been DROPPED to $160 for the ENTIRE YEAR!!!! Say whaaaa??? Like seriously?’ This deal is cray, cray!! You’re basically getting every fitness program for 30 bucks! Can you imagine the possibilities? And on top of that, get me as your fitness coach for FREE!!
We all have to start somewhere.. why not start here? I believe in Beachbody because it has changed my life. This wife and mother of four had severe postpartum depression and other than God’s help, Beachbody helped me see the strength and beauty within me when I looked in the mirror. I want that for other women. If you are interested, leave me a comment below and I will send you a challenger application!


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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