Fit Friday | T25 weeks 1 & 2 

Good afternoon friends! Welcome back and best of all, happy Fri-Yay! Last Friday I told you I will be keeping you posted with my new fitness program called T25. Before I get into that, let me update you on my wisdom tooth blues. Well, let me just say that I no longer have those blues because my wisdom tooth was removed yesterday!! Now, my jaw is swollen, but I just need to relax so the healing process can begin. Now, let’s dive into this new program!
I don’t have a picture for the first week because there was so much going on with me, I didn’t even take the picture! But I got it together this week and got my picture for ya!


So far, I am loving this program! It reminds me so much of a program I finished called Insanity Max: 30! It has high energy the entire time. I seriously love how my instructor speaks directly to me right when I need that extra boost! He tells me to push & go for it!

The first week of my program, I was doing great! I laid out exactly why I wanted to eat after looking through Shaun T’s meal guide. I found some delicious and quick recipes too! I was so ready to crush my meals and stay on top of my eating habits! Until, I hit a brick wall.
My husband got paid late and that meant we weren’t able to go food shopping! So what do you think I did? If you guessed dug through my pantry and freezer trying to muster up at least one healthy meal that I could stretch, well you guessed right! Lol! That is exactly what I did and I found brown rice & bell peppers! I sautéed the bell peppers and made my rice. I also checked into my team support group on Facebook and did a simple meal prep live video! I was real with the ladies in the group and told them my situation. Sometimes, ya just have to go with the flow and make try to make something out of nothing.
Week two was all about staying consistent. I missed two days of my workout, so I made an effort to make it up before the week was out. I wasn’t trying to get behind! Now, today is a bit different because of me recovering, but I’m hoping I can get my last workout of week 2 in without experiencing too much pain when I jump or make any types of fast movements.














My Goal For Week 3:

My goal for next week is to consume more meals from my program guide and also explore more Shakeology energy balls so I can introduce it to my picky eaters! I’ll shall keep you posted with that one for sure! I also want to consume more of the Mother’s Apple Cider Vinegar as well! So many benefits!!


Alright friends, I will post my measurements tomorrow because that is the day I do them. So stay tuned! I’m also going to be posting another blog since for my dose of Motivation today! So be sure to come back a bit later!


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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