Mommy Moment | Our First Dioroma

Good afternoon & welcome to another moment with Shona! First I would like to say happy Memorial Day! I would like to thank those brave men & women who sacrificed their lives for this country. We will always cherish this day.


Secondly, I want to share an awesome project with you that my daughter A’Niyah completed roughly two weeks ago. Niyah had to create a diorama for her second grade class. She was able to choose any animal from a list she got from her teacher. Niyah picked the red fox!

Now, I have never done a diorama before so I literally had to youtube it to get some tips! Hey, you didn’t know youtube was the new google? Lol! Anywho, after much research and gathering info on the red fox’s habitat, stages of life, foods it ate, and other interesting facts, Niyah was finally able to write out everything.

We kept procrastinating on this project like something serious! I wanted to make sure I helped her before I had my wrist surgery, so I made it very clear that we would get it done asap! Boy am I so glad we stayed up working on it because we had a busy schedule that week.

While helping Niyah with this diorama, I realized she is just like me! She is such a perfectionist! I guess I can’t be too worked up about it though because I wanted things to be perfect, but I had to snap out of it because I was not about to do her project for her! I tell my kids all the time, I’m done with school lol! So I handled the hot glue while Niyah pressed down the grasslands. Both of us worked on assembling her realistic trees & I hot glued those to her box. I had her lay out everything prior to hot gluing & I took a picture. By doing this it was easier for her to remember where she placed her pieces in the box!

After the box was completed, I had Niyah practice her presentation. Niyah got a kick out of doing this in front of me lol! She is very bashful, so I had to make sure she spoke loudly so points wouldn’t be knocked off. I’m sure she did well and I can’t wait to see what her teacher thought about it!

Did your kids have an end of the year projects? I would love to hear about it! Oh & have a wonderful Memorial Day!

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona


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