A Birthday Clue To Remember |Prt 2

Hello and welcome to another moment with Shona! Last time I spoke to you, I shared a birthday surprise I had for my husband’s 36th birthday. Today, it’s time to make the big reveal!

My husband’s birthday was on the 18th and I was running around like a crazy person trying to get things done quickly. My daughters helped me decorate Jason’s chair with streamers. I laid out all of Jason’s birthday clues onto the table. We picked out his favorite snacks and Powerade drink. And I got him an ice cream cake. I wanted someone at Walmart to write happy birthday on the cake, but there was no one in sight. I ended up writing it myself which came out kind of lame in my opinion due to the type of gel I used lol! But I couldn’t change it, so I went with the flow.

After we got everything set up & I had dinner cooked, I texted Jason & told him to let me know when he is outside our house. He was all excited because he could finally come home. Oh, earlier he texted me saying he got off work early & asked if he should stall or head home. I nearly had a heart attack because I so wasn’t ready for him to head home! I had a feeling he was going to get off work early too. I texted “stall” so quick lol!

My kids were so excited because we turned off all the lights in the house & had Jason’s candy lite. I thought we weren’t going to be able to do this part because I couldn’t find a candle! So guess what I did… I used a number 4 candle just so he could blow something out lol! My thing is, it’s not a birthday if you can’t blow out a candle. Before Jason walked in the house, I told the kids that we will yell “SURPRISE, happy birthday!” at the same time. When Jason walked in tell me why ALL of our kids yelled out something completely different?! Yes, I’m covering my face lol! I was like that is so not what I told y’all to say. All of us laughed. I rushed Jason to blow out his candle because the wax was moving fast down the number 4 and onto the cake, which was now starting to melt lol! All the rushing made us forget to sing happy birthday. But no worries, this story gets way better.

After the kids ate their cake, I passed out Jason’s gifts. Mom got him this nice sweater. And the kids made him cute birthday cards. I got him a Michael Jackson painting I actually bought when I was in NOLA! I had it hidden for months & he had no clue lol! Yup, I’m that good. Lol! I wanted to reveal the last birthday clue, but before I did, I wanted to ask if Jason had an idea of what the final clue would be based off the three clues he received. I had him circle yes or no on a card & he clearly circled no. Since his answer was no, I told him to check his email when I instructed him to. Let’s just say everyone was pretty anxious.

FINALLY, the big reveal! I said, ok you can check your email now. I recorded his reaction and took pictures as well. It was priceless! Drumroll please….. you can pound on your table that’s perfectly fine too! Lol!

THE BIG SURPRISE:: I am taking him to WWE LIVE in Baltimore in January!



Y’all wrestling is his absolute favorite thing ever! Since I found out his love for wrestling, I knew I had to make this happen. Jason deserves to have an opportunity to just be free from stress & the financial burden. This trip we will be taking will allow him to sit in a moment that he has dreamed of for quite some time. He was so thankful for his gifts. And to think, he didn’t know what he wanted for his birthday… but I ALWAYS find something for him…always.

I can’t wait to be yelling in the stands with my husband. I’m a wrestling fan too! I used to watch it all the time with my grandfather.

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona


* Sorry for the dark pictures*

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