Mommy Moment | A Dramatic Finish

Hello friends and welcome to another day of a moment with Shona! Tonight will be kind of a short post all about my ten year old son Jeremiah.


For the past three or so months, he has been complaining about his eyes hurting when he reads. On top of that, he’s had intense headaches like at least 3 times per week! Now, you’re probably like.. what the heck is wrong with this woman & why doesn’t she get her kid checked out?… ok, maybe you’re not saying that lol! But one major thing you need to know is, ALL of our kids are super dramatic! And our only son is the most dramatic of them all lol!


Usually when our kids say they’re hurting while doing schoolwork, they just don’t want to do the work. But when Jeremiah’s teacher sent a note home, we knew we had to get him to the optometrist asap. So, today was the day.


Last night I tried to prep my son for his appointment. I told him that there is a small machine that blows a small amount of air into his eyes. I told him it’s not painful at all.. and he said “ok.” {Insert smirk here}


Y’all today, I drove 30 minutes to this eye appointment all for my son to whine and cry about NOT wanting to do the machine that blows air into his eyes. I even sat in the seat and did the test to show him it’s ok. Now, I did jump when the air touched my eye, but it just tickled and I didn’t know when she was going to press the button lol! Do you think Jeremiah jumped on the wagon? How about NOPE! Lol!

But the doctor was nice enough to just skip it and move onto his exam anyway. Meanwhile, I was behind her thanking baby Jesus because I didn’t have to go back home. So after Jeremiah’s exam, it was very clear that he needed reading glasses. His eyes changed for the worse since his last visit last year. In order for his doctor to write out a prescription, he had to do one last thing… eye drops. This was the time I dropped my head because remember, he is DRAMATIC! If you have a child who is dramatic, you most likely feel my pain. Almost every time I have an appointment for my son and he has to do something that he thinks is scary, I have to FaceTime my husband to calm him down. Today was one of those days… shrug.


It took us 5 minutes to talk him into doing this procedure. She got the drips in one eye and he wiped it off, and started crying, which meant the doctor had to start AGAIN! Lord help us right? Smh… His doctor was so funny because she said, “don’t be crying my drops out” and we both laughed, but of course Jeremiah didn’t lol! So he finally let her do everything she had to do to complete his exam, as long as I was holding his hands. So, the results came in and bottom line, he is farsighted. So glasses was a must. We will test them out and see if his headaches stop & if it will correct the pain in his eyes as well. Prayerfully, this also helps him enjoy reading too.

Right before we left, Jeremiah had to pick out his frames for his first pair of reading glasses. He enjoyed this process & I think he looks very handsome.



Jeremiah trying on his frames


Do any of your kids wear glasses? I would love to hear your story of their experience!


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona

2 replies
  1. Charlotte Johnson
    Charlotte Johnson says:

    Ahhh Jeremiah, I don’t like the machine that blows air either and I don’t like eye drops… I personally don’t like anything in my eyes (AT ALL)… & guess what?! I am 28!!!

    Jeremiah looks great in those glasses ? and sure he will find his joy in reading ?

    • Shona
      Shona says:

      Lol! You’re funny Char. So did you jump when the air got in your eye like me? Lol! I laughed afterwards because here I was trying to show him it was no big, and I jump! Lol!! Thanks of stopping by! I hope he loves reading as well.


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