Good afternoon friends & welcome to another day of a moment with Shona! Today, I want to talk to you about something that has been like an up & down roller coaster for me & that is CONFIDENCE.

How many of you are dealing with an on going battle in your own mind about what you can accomplish? How many of you are sitting at your MacBook, iPad or even your iPhone {sorry, I’m all about Apple lol!} just doubting yourself? Go ahead, you can raise your hand because we’ve all been there! I’m going to share something about myself that I haven’t shared on my blog yet. Are you ready? {ok, I’m not lol! } Here goes…

Every day, I have a battle with my thoughts. It’s like everything I do whether it’s about being a loving & supportive wife, or being the best mama bear I can be, or leading other mothers in my mom’s with young kids group…and it even down to me leading other women in their health & fitness path. I mean the list can go on and on! Sometimes I just don’t feel like I’m good enough, smart enough, strong enough or experienced enough or love enough to do what it is God clearly called me to do!

If you have been reading my blog for sometime now, you know that I’m an Artist & a Mime dancer. Well, lately, I have been constantly thinking of my mime ministry. It’s an every day thing now. I haven’t actually mimed in some months now & it bothers me quite a bit. Sometimes I have moments when I doubt myself with creating choreography because it’s been so long since I actually mimed in front of people! I get these feelings when I feel like I just can’t dance anymore because I don’t feel those creative juices flowing as much. But I have to force myself to snap out of it & once I come to, I realize that what I have is a gift from God Himself! No one can take that away, not even me! So what if I’m not miming at this present time. God gave me the tools, which is inside of me, to at least practice & be prepared for when I’m called upon! I can’t sit complaining about not having opportunities to minister! I have to build my confidence up, speak the Word of God over my thoughts, and select music to just freestyle to and let God have His way!

Everything starts with your thoughts. If you are constantly putting yourself down, there’s no way you’re going to accomplish what your heart wants to accomplish. There has got to be a shift…no, a MAJOR shift in your thought process! This has been very difficult for me. Every day there is something negative that flows from my mouth. But you know what is good? The good part is, I recognize that & I’m making the necessary steps to change those things. And so can you!

Remember those “words to live by” I posted a while back? Well, that comes in handy, but when it’s not read consistently, there is no impact. Nothing changes! Take baby steps to get your thoughts lined up with the path that leads you to success. No more getting sidetracked with negativity!

Building up my confidence will take work. This won’t happen over night, that’s for sure. Personal development is so major for me because I always notice a change in myself mentally. It’s pretty awesome! I’m currently listening to an audible called Abundance Now, by Lisa Nichols. I highly recommend it! You will feel like you can conquer the world!

As I end our moment together today, know that you my friend ARE fully capable of doing whatever your heart desires. You ARE smart! You ARE loved! You ARE qualified! You HAVE what it takes! You CAN do hard things! You FINISH what you start! And you HAVE endurance throughout your journey! Look in the mirror and speak life over yourself today and every day.


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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