Fit Friday I Friday Fight 

Hello friends and welcome to another moment with Shona! I’m so glad to be chatting with you today!

I was up late yet another night doing some on time coach training. {which was incredible by the way!}  It got me thinking about my blog. I haven’t really been talking to you about my fitness nor clean eating recipes. If I’m going to be blogging about my life, I can’t neglect that part because this is a lifestyle! So, I want to change that today.
I want to talk to you about some setbacks I encountered last week. Since members in my household were ill, I decided to restart week 3 of month 2 of Insanity Max:30. Looking back, I seriously wish I shared more about my second round of this program. I only have one more week left! The goal was to take you on a ride with me and show you the ups and downs of my journey… I kind of failed lol! But, ya live and ya learn right? Right… lol!


So today, I’m on Friday Fight: Round 2 of this program. It’s one of my favorite routines because it really forces me to get to the root of my strength! Since I have a mild headache at the moment, I’m thinking of doing the modified version today, just so my pain doesn’t increase. I have migraines so I have to be sensitive to the pain.

Saturday & Sunday, I will be using as make up days. I missed Monday’s cardio challenge & Thursday’s max out strength. I’m able to do this on these days because the weekend is used for rest days. Since I pretty much rested on Monday & Thursday, it all works out. I like that I can make adjustments when needed & I don’t have to have anyone scolding me because I missed two days of my workout. As long as I make it up, it’s all good!

I’m also wanting to work with at least 3-5 women who love fitness or who are looking to just start challenging themselves with something fresh! Spring is here ladies, which means Summer is around the corner. I am fighting for what I want because it’s just that important to me. What are you fighting for? Is it so you don’t end up on medicine the rest of your life? Do you want to have energy to be able to run around and play with your kids? Do you just want this for you? Are you fighting to be fit because you’re going to be in a wedding or even better, you’re the Bride?! I believe in the tools that helped me lose baby weight and feel my best! I want to invite you to my health & fitness on going group. Drop a comment below to get more info on how to join! I’m fighting to get toned up before May 13th because I’m going to be taking my 11 year wedding anniversary pictures in my wedding gown! That is my motivation. So, I am working towards that, so I have to just make some changes to my schedule.

Since I have one more week left, I will be using the weekend to examine the all access pass on Beachbody on Demand to see what program I’m going to try next! All access pass just means I have $6,000 worth of Beachbody fitness programs that I can access right from my electronic device! Let’s just call it the Netflix of fitness! I must say, it comes in handy! And you know what else is quite wonderful? I also have access to the Fixate healthy cooking show! I know what you’re thinking, sounds nice… but what exactly is it? Am I right?… ok, maybe not quite, but I can still break it down lol!

The Fixate cooking show is a show hosted by the 21 Day Fix fitness instructor, Autumn Calabrese & her brother, Chef Bobby Calabrese. They come together and share loads of amazing recipes that are simple and healthy for ya! And since they are siblings, they crack jokes all the time and make the show entertaining instead of dull and boring. The meals they prepare are for beginners and experts. The show is roughly 4- 16 minutes in length. They share breakfast, salad & soup recipes, sauce & dressings, sides & snacks, yummy deserts, Paleo recipes, oh, and let me not forget about the Shakeology recipes too! The list goes on! And, there is also aFixate cook book! Um, yes!! Each meal is perfectly designed to fit into the 21 Day Fix color-coded portion control containers too! If you are using these containers, you know it is indeed a life changer!

One thing about myself is, I feel I don’t know how to create my own recipes. I’m not the type that measures everything out because numbers is just not my sweet spot… if you get my drift. Anything dealing with math, I kind of run the other direction to be honest. Thankfully, my husband Jason is a math geek, so you can say I run to his arms when I’m struggling lol! Anywho, I do cook, but it’s more from the top of my head & a “wing it” type of thing. So I’m all for this cooking show because it teaches me how to use the right seasonings with the right meal. It’s wonderful and exciting!

I would love to share my own recipes with you one day. But for now, I’m leaning more towards sharing favorite recipes whether it be from Pinterest or through Fixate. Either way, let the sharing begin! Get your taste buds ready!

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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