Day Surgery | Mama’s Turn 

Good morning & welcome to another moment with Shona! I’m going to be honest y’all, it have been one challenge gong week! But I’m still standing!
By the time you read this blog post, I will be roughly 50 minutes away from oral surgery. My last wisdom tooth is growing way wrong! It is impacted and it’s close to my nerve & jaw bone. My dentist told me he would like me to have it removed so we can see if that causes all my mouth pain to stop. I sure hope it stops!




I had so much trouble getting a surgeon to do this procedure! The first place my dentist referred me to never heard of my dental insurance, so that was a no go. I had to contact my insurance company and ask for a list of surgeons. I contacted the first office on the list and I was able to be seen right away!
The day of my appointment, I was given helpful information that explained my surgery. I had to watch a video on the risks of this particular procedure plus how to care for my mouth afterwards. I must admit, it was some scary stuff! One of the things I learned was I could lose feeling in my lips if the tooth touches a nerve. The numbness could go away within weeks or months, but it could also be a permanent thing as well. I was like… um… whaa?? But I already covered myself in prayer and I will not going to allow myself to fear! After I watched the video, I met with my surgeon and he was the sweetest guy! I immediately felt comfortable and he went in detail about how he would remove my tooth. He said he would make a small incision, break my tooth & carefully remove it in pieces. Then he would stitch me back up and the stitches would dissolve on its own. Even with all of that being said, I was still comfortable, that is until I heard the price!

It would be $1675 for this surgery to happen! Then I found out that my lovely insurance had a 12 month waiting period, which meant I would NOT be getting the surgery after all… so I thought.

My mother-in-law wanted to help me out, so she did some digging and since her dentist was booked, we went to VCU. To make a long story short, the dentist suggested getting not one but TWO root canals & leaving the wisdom tooth in! He said if he goes to take my wisdom tooth out, he could risk fracturing my jaw! Whaa?? I was so done after that. I wanted to be pointed to the EXIT!
That same day, I contacted my dentist and she told me I would need the get the wisdom tooth out before they can see if anything else was wrong with the teeth in front of my wisdoms tooth. I knew I had to just figure out a way to pay that $1675, so I contacted the surgeon’s office again and figured out a way to have my surgery today!!
Because if all of the pain I’m experiencing, I had to cancel my 11 year wedding anniversary plans this weekend and plan to celebrate another time. I’m so bummed y’all! I had something great planned! But the weather isn’t going to be hot and sunny over the weekend, so I guess things worked out anyway. We can celebrate in town. Anywho, please keep me in your prayers friends!
Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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