Health & Fitness | Where Does Transformation Start?

Good morning & welcome to another moment with Shona! I woke up this morning & literally could not move lol! Yes I was tired as all get out, but I was so sore! My entire body was aching & it just made me think of the process of transforming my body.

This year, I made a vision board and placed it where I can see it daily. One thing on that board was the Color Vibe 5k. I had my mind set on that run all year. I wanted to cross that off my board so badly even though I haven’t actually ran since I was in college. I had my mind set and I was going to do it.

Now, you can’t just sign up for a 5k without some type of training. I began taking it in slow steps by doing a light jog throughout the week. I set my timer to 30 minutes and ran around my neighborhood. My kids always saw me running and wanted to jump in at times. I honestly didn’t really want the company because I just wanted to tune into my music & keep going, but I figured it’s a great learning experience for them.

On our run, I began explaining to my daughter A’Niyah that her heart will be pounding & she may even hear voices in her head saying she’s tired & cant keep going. I explained that we have to start transforming our thoughts BEFORE we can transform our habits. So if I’m always saying “I can’t”… then I won’t be able to run in 60 seconds. The transformation has to start in our mind before we can see any type of progress with our run/walk/fitness or whatever.

So I was honored to set the example for my daughter to follow. I hope our run left some great memories that she will look back on as she becomes a young lady. I have a feeling she will be on her school track team. She’s so fast!

Anywho, after my training, I completed my Color Vibe 5k with my husband! I came in at 37 minutes! During the event, I blocked out my negative thoughts with scripture & words of affirmation. I also used my timer as motivation because I wanted to finish at a certain time.

My next run, I will train to do the 5k in 30 minutes flat. If I can think it, I can do it because my transformation starts with my thoughts. I’m using a runner’s training on Spotify and it’s perfect!

I would love to hear about something you’re focusing on this year. Are you wanting to train for a marathon? Or are you just wanting to start your fitness story? Whatever it is, just go for it & take control of those thoughts that say you can’t. That’s nothing but a lie! You got this!

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona

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