Happy Birthday to my Sister!

Good morning and welcome to another moment with Shona! Today is a very special day, and no I’m not talking about taco Tuesday! October 24, 1978, my sister was born! Today, I’m giving her a special S/O because I wasn’t able to get her a card lol!

First of all I need to just salute my sister LèChelle because she is one of the strongest woman I know! And the funny thing about it is, she doesn’t think she’s that strong. But I am the little sister and I’ve pretty much been watching her from the side lines my entire life… so… yeah, I know what I’m talking about lol!

I salute her for when she served our country in the United States Air Force. I salute her for finding her way out of what seems to be the toughest decision a mother could make {she knows what I’m talking about}. I salute her for going the extra mile for her three boys no matter the cost. Being a single parent is challenging and I know this just by watching what she encounters. But to watch LèChelle {whom I call Lay-Lay} struggle from doing thing in her own power, to trusting in God Almighty to lead her His way is absolutely amazing.

With God leading my sister, she has gained more strength to face difficult things that can sometimes come along with raising teenage boys. I just wanted to take the time to tell my sister that she is doing a wonderful job! And what makes me happy is seeing her not only work hard to provide for her boys, but make sure they are enjoying life with her. Yes, there are challenges along the way, but I feel her boys will always cherish the moments she took the time out to spend time with them. I believe they will remember her spending her last dime so they can play a sport or participate in a school function.

And I know without a doubt that my nephews will love and respect her for taking them to visit their father who lives in a different state. They will always remember that she did it for them and that Lay-Lay and their father did not argue at any given moment. That alone speaks volumes.

I also salute my sister for taking care of herself! Y’all, this is major because as mothers, we tend to do everything for everyone else and neglect ourselves. But Lay-Lay is not the one lol! From girl trips, to mini vacations, to paint night, and working out, these are all ways to keep peace in her heart. I just want to tell her that I’m proud of her and I’m honored to call her my big sister.

Happy 39th Birthday Lay-Lay!! Love you!

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona

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