Guess Who’s OBSESSED?!

Hello peeps!! Welcome to another moment with Shona! How has everything been so far this year? We are already 15 days in and boy I’m pumped and here’s why… I’m getting OBSESSED for 80 days!! Yup, I’m the one who is obsessed, but I’m going to take a wild guess and say you already knew that. Lol! All fingers point to me lol! Ok, I know you have some questions, so let me get right to explaining myself.

If you read my last blog post from last year called “Reflections on 2017”, you would remember I mentioned I was struggling with being a health & fitness coach. I also mentioned that I would just take it a day at a time. So, this is me taking it a day at a time. I have been blessed with this brand new fitness program called 80 Day Obsession. My friend Char surprised me and got me the accessory pack because she said she wanted to see me in the exclusive coach group on Facebook! Mouth drop… yup, that was me lol! Char had no clue that I have been struggling financially and I just couldn’t do the program like I wanted to. When she messaged me and shared her thoughts, I was so shocked and thankful for the opportunity to not only join her, but to also join over 42,000 other coaches AND COUNTING!! Say wha???

This opportunity is HUGE because I was never in a test group. I always wanted to be and now I have my chance. This program is going to whip me back into shape. My main goal is to develop discipline with my nutrition. I was slacking so much last year (the last three months) and I feel this is my time to shine. In order to have the BEST results possible, I need to stay on top of everything my trainer Autumn Calabrese says. Oh and I forgot to mention, it’s a special test group because we are getting the scoop live with Autumn herself! She is one of my favorite fitness trainers & I got great results when I did her program 21 Day Fix back in 2015. So, you can just imagine how excited I truly am by these exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <—— Ok that should do it lol!

So I had this idea to create this blog post to pretty much track my transformation. I’m taking you along with me friends! Let’s start off with some questions you may have.

What is 80 Day Obsession?

What is 80 Day Obsession & why am I so dang obsessed? Well, here is a simple explanation of the newest big program to hit Beachbody. It is a program that will lift your butt, sculpt your core, and give you an incredible total body transformation with 80 unique “real-time” workouts and a timed-nutrition eating plan. Whew! This program is perfect! You know how you start a fitness program on dvd & you can predict the next move because you’ve done the program loads of times? Well, the great thing about 80DO is, you never have those thoughts. The routine repeats two times, then you never see those routines again! It’s brilliant!

How long are the routines?
The routines are 30- 60 minutes long.

What level are the workouts?
The workouts are rated at the intermediate- advanced level.

Who is it for?
Those who want to have a more sculpted body. Those who want an intense workout program that they are free to do at home. And those who are looking to have insane abs for Summer 2018, this is for you!

How do you get the ball rolling?
You become a member of Beachbody on Demand which streams over 700 fitness programs from popular Beachbody trainers. These trainers helped thousands.. well, actually, millions of people transform their lives! And you could be in that category as well! Think of Beachbody on Demand {BOD} as the Netflix of fitness. You can literally find every Beachbody program right at your fingertips. And, you also have access to Autumn and her brother (who is a Chef)’s healthy cooking show called FIXATE! So if you were or are struggling thinking of healthy meals, the struggle is over! So you become a member & I become your Coach (you get me free of charge lol!). I will include you in my team’s 80 Day Obsession accountability group on Facebook. Not on Facebook? No problem! If you have a smart phone, you can download our special challenge tracker app and join us there! So, what do ya say? You in? If so, contact me below or via email to get started!


My Journey:

January 14, 2018 : Day 0: Measurements & Before Pictures

Chest: 34

R. Arm: 12

L. Arm: 12.5

Waist: 34

Hips: 41

R. Thigh: 25

L. Thigh: 24

Total Inches: 182.5

Weight: 144.2 


January 15, 2018 : Day 01

I know this post is pretty lengthy, but this is my life that is about to transform, so I’m just documenting.

Yesterday, to prepare for this intense test group, I did my shopping at Aldi & Walmart. I came home from a busy day at church & meal prepped. That took hours, but it was well worth it! I’m setting up to succeed so failing is not an option. I took my measurements, and my before pictures, and laid out all of my workout gear so I could start bright and early today. Whew!

I’m going to be working on a poster design to help motivate me to keep going when times get rough. Lord help me not eat junk food for 80 DAYS!! That is literally my prayer lol! Just call me the junk food queen! I think I’ll cover my face right here… lol! Hey, I’m just being honest. I literally just smelled pound cake because I can’t eat it. That right there is no joke. But, I got this!

So, before I wrap this post up, I’m going to tell you that today went better than expected! I was so nervous stepping into day one because I love junk food and I wanted to just not see it in my house. But, I have four kids who like junk food as well, so I had to put on my will power pants and eat my veggies & humus & yummy omelette with toast even though everything in me was screaming for mint Oreos & pound cake! Lord have mercy lol! But I did it y’all. Tomorrow, the story continues…

Below is a picture that shows why I’m fighting so hard. May 13th will be my 12 year wedding anniversary. We are taking some seriously flyy {yes I have to have two y’s} photos. That means I need to get myself back into a size 6! Now, let me back up… that was never my ultimate goal. My goal was to fit comfortably in my gown. So I tried it on to see how far I have to go to get to that point. When I noticed it couldn’t go pass my HIPS… I thought, “Houston, we have a problem… ” lol! Then when I looked at the size I was like say whaaa? I’m currently a size 8 and I’m squeezing myself in my jeans. No fun. But, no worries, remember whose obsessed? Yup, that’s right, THIS GIRL!! I’m doing this for me and it’s going to be awesome! I hope to hear from you during this journey.



Follow me on Instagram @reina_shona. And follow my Facebook like page at LaShona Tyree Fitness.



Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona

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