Tasty Tuesday | Fixate Pan Fried Cinnamon Bananas

Good morning loves & happy tasty Tuesday! Let’s get right to our chat today because I have a Fixate recipe that is PERFECT!

This recipe is perfect because it completely erased my sweet tooth yesterday. I’m telling you, I was contemplating grabbing a handful of my kids’ Oreos because I just wanted to get rid of the sweet tooth bug! Now, I did however eat 2 or maybe it was 3…I’m really not sure lol! But, I did come to my senses an hit the stop button because I’m really not supposed to be eating crap anyway because I’m on a strict eating regimen with my fitness program called 80 Day Obsession. So, if I have a crazy craving for some junk food, I have to put on my big girl pants and suck it up! Oh, and I have to find creative alternatives so I don’t cave. With that being said, I checked out the Fixate cooking show on Beachbody on Demand {like Netflix for fitness} online and found my cure for my persistent sweet tooth. Ladies and maybe gents…introducing my new favorite healthy snack, pan fried cinnamon bananas!



It is perfecting fine to drool over this picture. This is a NO judgment zone. This recipe is, like my mother would say, “To die for!” Yup, indeed it is. I was a bit hesitant to test out Ghee because I never had it, well, I never heard of it until I saw it on the Fixate cooking show. Then, one of my favorite Beachbody coaches, Raina O’Dell had it in one of her Insta Stories this week and I found out that she got it from Whole Foods. I just didn’t know where to get it from, but I actually found mine at Kroger. I live in Virginia, and there is not a Whole Foods market in my city. I was thankful I didn’t have to travel all the way to the City of Short Pump just to get one product! Whole Foods is roughly 37 minutes away! Nope, not having it lol! I just figured I would find it at Kroger because they have a large variety of healthy foods. Anywho, let me jump into this recipe so you can make this healthy snack. Be sure to tell me how you liked it in the comments below! I would love to hear how your taste buds reacted to it.




Pan Fried Cinnamon Bananas 


2 Bananas

1 tsp. Raw honey

1/2 tsp. Cinnamon

1 Tbsp Ghee (clarified organic butter made from buffalo or cow’s milk)

Pinch of Himalayan salt

Cooking Instructions:

Cut bananas into medium pieces

In a frying pan, add 1 Tbsp ghee, 1 tsp raw honey on medium heat. Watch it so it doesn’t burn.

Add 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon and a pinch of salt.

Let all the ingredients melt and mix together for roughly 2 minutes.

Add your bananas.

Fry until they are golden brown on both sides.

Pour in your favorite dish and serve.

I really love this warm, so I ate mine immediately. Hope you enjoy it as well. Oh, if you are using your 21 Day Fix color coded food containers, this would equal, 1 purple and 1/2 tsp.



Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona






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