The Fight for my Why

Hello friends!

I’m back! Lol! Today, is Tuesday and what better day to explain why I fight for my WHY than today!? If you took a look at of my photo, it pretty gives one of my reasons why I strive to be the best health & fitness coach I can be. Since I’ve been a coach, my why’s have gradually changed. But the root of my Why is: FAMILY. In the beginning, it was my children, and here’s why:

I want my children to know the importance of strengthening their mind, body and spirit. I want them to see the fight in me every single day. I want them to see me praying & know that God is the One giving me the ingredients to push harder so that I can reach my dreams. I want them to notice a difference in the way I speak because I’m filling my mind with positivity & decreeing certain things over my life! And I also want them to whiteness me pushing play on my workout & pushing myself beyond my limits! And lastly, I want them to know that they too can accomplish the same things!

Now, it’s time to move onto my second why, which is the love of my life, my husband of 10 years {and counting}, Jason Curtis. This man is so amazing. He works so hard at his 9-5, then comes home and spends time with me & our kids, then that entrepreneur mode kicks in & he focuses on graphic design projects he has lined up. He is my Why because being that he is the only breadwinner in the house, there is a lot of pressure on him financially. I want to be able to earn enough funds to take care of family needs. We should not feel burdened when we go food shopping, or shopping in general! We should not have to hesitate before bringing a much needed item to the register. We should be free to go where we want without being limited by funds! I’m working towards changing that so we can have more freedom.

Now, the time has come to address my new why, my loving parents. You guys, if you only knew my folks personally, you would just fall in love! My parents, Robyn & Codwick (Nelson) inspire me every single day. You know when you’re growing up, you don’t really know exactly how much your parents do for you until you’re an adult. It’s like a light bulb goes off in your head or something & reminds you to thank them every single day. It’s kind of crazy how things unravel as you mature in age. My parents have gone through challenging times financially, just like most people. I have a burning desire to help people & my parents are currently my main focus. One day, I’m going to be in the position to bless them beyond measure! I feel it deep down in my heart.

I believe God will open up doors for me & direct me to the right people who desperately want to change their situation whether it is physically, mentally or financially. One of my purposes in life is to help & inspire people. I believe that my day is coming very soon. This is why I won’t give up no matter how hard it gets. As a health & fitness coach, you have challenging months where you feel like you haven’t helped a soul. But the key is, to just keep swimming! ?… No matter what!

 Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~

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