Shona’s Dose of Motivation: Words to Live By

Hello, hello!! I said I was going to post about “Words to Live By” this weekend, but it was so jammed packed, I couldn’t step away to write on my blog! So here I am, 1:13 am, writing before I hit the hay. But it’s ok because I’m not super tired.
I am going to provide you with an incredible video from Pastor Craig Groeschel from LifeChurch. I truly believe that this video has the potential to change not only your year, but your life in general. So when you have your daily tasks completed, your kiddos are tucked in their beds, and you are finally at the moment of RELAXATION…{take a breath here} you can click on this website and click on “words to live by” and take as many notes as you want. 

After you have watched the video, read the picture I have posted below to get an idea of how I’m speaking LIFE into 2017. Then, you can create your own words to live by script!

Until next time, laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life. – XO Shona~

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