Shona’s Dose of Motivation: Preparing for the Unseen 

Good morning fiends! I want to jump right into my motivational post. Remember, I said I will be sharing my motivation from my Facebook Live videos, so here we go!

I want to start today’s blog with two questions:

1. How do you set up for something you don’t yet see?

2. How do you constantly have FAITH that the vision in your head will become your reality? Well, those are easy questions… and the answer to both is PREPARATION.

Let’s use myself as an example. I’m currently working on 3 things: art, mime & coaching. Let me break these down a bit.


I have never really worked with watercolor paints except when I was in college. So, I am looking to dabble in different types of paints. I already use oil paint & spray paint, so I figured it’s time to jump on the watercolor paints!

Since I don’t know much about it, I spoke to a lot of my friends who work with this medium to just get a feel for what I’m getting myself into. I’d rather not walk into this thing blind. So I asked them what types of brushes they suggest, what’s their favorite paper, are there any fun paint techniques they could share with me.. stuff like that.

I also went on YouTube and did some digging there! I found some amazing stuff!

I am preparing for my 3rd RAW Natural Born Artist show! I already have a good idea of what I want to display, so it’s time to get to work!


I have a solo mime ministry and I have a lot of dreams & plans for my ministry. I want to travel more and go to live dance conferences. I want to teach kids how to mime at my church. And I want to mime at different functions as well as mime at my church, House of Prayer.

It takes a lot of work to come up with choreography. It takes consistency and patience! I am currently practicing some choreography for a song called “In Control” by Hillsong United. This song has been on my heart and I can’t wait to minister at my church.

Now, nothing is set in stone, but I’m preparing myself now, so when I approach my leaders over the music ministry, I can easily show them that I’m already prepared. This way, things move faster and I can get a yes or no on the spot. And of course if I get a no, I will find another option and minister somewhere else. It’s all about finding great connections ya know? I am all about getting plugged into opportunities in order to share my gift because it does not belong to me. But, I’m sure I will be able to minister at my church anyway lol! I always picture myself doing it. It’s going to happen.



As you know I’m a Beachbody health & fitness coach. I am preparing for my empire of girl bosses! I currently only have 1 coach on my team & my major goal is to expand my team and work from the ground up.
Every business comes with challenges or downfalls, ya just have to know how to stay committed to it and just don’t quit no matter how hard it gets! And I’m refusing to quit!


One thing that gets me fired up is looking into my future as a coach. I always see myself walking across the Beachbody stage at our Summit event, and getting recognized for helping tons of people live a healthier lifestyle. I can feel the joy all over my body, I feel the excitement by the fast pacing heart beat in my chest, I feel everyone’s energy just cheering and clapping as me and thousands of others walk across the stage! That, is where I want to be and where I WILL be one day!
So, what am I doing to get myself there? Well, if you didn’t notice with each category, I’m putting in the work. I’m preparing myself now, so I can live my dream in reality! It’s going to happen. I refuse to give up!
Bottom line: You’re not going to get to where you want to be by just wishing and hoping, you have to put in the work! Have you been reading my blog and feeling motivated to get back in shape or finish a major project or spend more time with your children or spouse? Let me say this, just start friend. Just pick up your feet and step out. You got this!

Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~


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